Friday, November 16, 2007

Eating Around Baba, Pt. I

My host mom doesn't really cook, so I end up cooking at friends' houses or eating out. A lot. So I thought I would talk about some of the places I frequent~

やすべえ (ya-soo-bay) is a really awesome noodle shop and one of my favorite places to eat. Exiting Takadanobaba station, head past the big box and at the ロッテリア beside The Hub (English pub), make a left. At the next street, make a right--there should be a コンビニ on your right. Walk straight down the street and you'll soon find the noodle palace known as Yasubee on your left!

Their specialty is つけ麺 (tsuke-men), a type of noodle dish where the soup is served separately in a bowl and the noodles are served chilled on a platter and you dip them into the broth as you eat.

The thing I really like about やすべえ is that 並 regular, 中 medium, and 大盛り large noodle sizes are ALL THE SAME PRICE. So you can eat a lot here at no extra cost!! Of course, I wouldn't recommend eating the large (I've tried, ugh) and even the medium can make you feel too full. The best flavor is without a doubt the 辛味つけ麺 (karami tsukemen), which is really flavorful with a touch of spiciness. If you really like it hot, then ask them to double the spiciness, it's free~ Also make sure to request the 味玉 (aji-tama), a flavored hard-boiled egg that's really savory. ^_^

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