Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Flying to Japan

I intended to write this back in September when Ifirst arrived and my memory was still fresh... but there's something about Japan that keeps me too busy to blog, haha. Anyway, here is what I can remember about my first international flight, and I hope it will be of use to someone.

I booked my flight through Travel Cuts, which arranged group flights for CSU IP: one out of SFO, one out of LAX. (I flew out of Los Angeles via United Airlines; the round trip ticket was just under $1000) We were allowed two pieces of luggage (up to fifty lbs a piece), a carry-on, and one personal item like a purse or laptop. A word of caution - if you do max out your luggage, make sure you can carry it... mine was way too heavy for me. ^^; Luggage carts at LAX cost a few bucks, and I didn't have any more American money on me / didn't want to pay for it anyway, so I suffered.

The seats on the plane were terribly narrow, even for me, and I'm a really small person. The flight took ten to eleven hours and included two meals (one on departure, one on arrival) and one snack break. Because I'm really antsy about flying and it was my first international flight, I panicked on takeoff; so I took some Dramamine and was knocked out for at least six hours. It was kind of embarassing because I fell asleep during the dinner meal, and when I woke up again the flight attendants had taken my tray away!

During the flight, you fill out an immigration arrival card and a luggage declaration form. Since my family was going to send me my winter clothes once I arrived in Japan, I had to declare that I had unaccompanied articles and submit two copies of the form.

When I finally arrived in Tokyo, it was a long walk from the gate to Immigration. I had a little bit of trouble since I didn't have the address of the hotel where we were staying for the CSU IP orientation. (However, it worked out okay since I was able to get the address from other people in my group.) They look at your passport and check your visa, etc. No big deal. Once through Immigration, the other CSU students who took the LA flight and I picked up our luggage, and we found out that at Narita International Airport luggage carts are free!

From the baggage claim area you head through Customs, where they ask if you have anything to declare. I submitted my forms stating that I would have unaccompanied articles; Customs took one copy and returned the second copy to me to keep until my extra baggage arrived.

From there I walked down a hall and when I came out into the general area of the airport, there was a group of students from 虹の会 (Niji no Kai) and WIC, two international clubs, there to greet all the CSU arrivals. Kazaoka-sensei was also there with a print-out of all our photos so she could recognize us, along with Koshino-sensei, the CSU representative for this year.

We took a chartered bus over to Takadanobaba, where our hotel (Sunroute Takadanobaba was located and had dinner at Shakey's Pizza, much to everyone's amusement.